Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I've been thinking about what I should "propose" and I have come up with something that hits close to home... and that's the right to keep and bear arms. Many U.S. citizens have been fighting to either continue this or discontinue it. Well my personal opinion is that this should be continued. Sure there are some downsides to this, but everyone should have the right to protection. I understand that the government wants our country to be safer... but not everyone that bears arms is using them for bad reasons. We all need to be able to keep ourselves safe. Some people don't believe in using guns or keeping them in their homes. That's fine.... we're all individuals and we have our own thoughts and we can act anyway we want. On the other hand, there are many people that are for the second amendment and have guns in there homes and guns on their person at all times. If you think about it, many of the people that have used guns in an unlawful way, weren't allowed to have guns in the first place... That's no reason to take them away from everyone. Anyway, that's just something that has been on my mind for a while.

Some people agree and some disagree but we're all entitled to our own opinion

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

MLA formatting in real life

MLA formatting has its ups and downs. It gives us writers basically a blue print of how to put a paper together. But it also keeps writers from writing freely. My honest opinion is that MLA should be kept, but it should also leave some room for everyone to change it up a bit.
MLA, like I mentioned, sets up a format for writing. But my life also has a format to. It does not have a cool title like "MLA" but its just basically lifestyle formatting. You have an introduction when your first born. Your body paragraphs are how you live your life.... Most of us start out in grade school and work our way up to some type of higher learning. This consists of  what you choose to do and how you choose to do it. Your career, how you create a family, and how you live your life from here on. I have a plan set for how I live my life, but it changes everyday. I'm still in the process of finishing my rough draft and it might be years down the road before I turn that in. And of course you have your conclusion. Everyone knows what that is, its where your road ends and you get that final grade on how you "wrote your paper." But everyone hates coming to a conclusion anyway. That's why the body paragraphs are so long.... Anyway, I do believe that my life is formatted but to an extent. I'm not going to lay every single detail down before me. I make them up as I go. Sure, I make an outline for the big picture, but I'm more of a free writer myself.

Don't copy and paste your story. Make your own beginning, middle, and end....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Plagerism....What's the point?

- it's basically taking someone else's work and claiming it as your own.

Of course I've been around plagerism all throughout middle school, high school, and even elementary school. Now I'm not gonna lie....I've cheated once or twice. I'm young and dumb I make mistakes every now and again. But ever since I started becoming more focused on my work, I have had no need to cheat.

I remember back in highschool I had a buddy who was very smart. He knew how to balance his social life and his classwork perfectly. He made straight A's in every class but one. It was math..... but I don't blame him. Who really likes math? I myself have always struggled in math class. It was probably my least favorite subject and it gave me the most problems in high school. Although he did not seem to understand it he did not give up on math either. He kept trying and trying to comprehend it and he took all of his down time and studied up on it. Well after all of that struggling throughout the school year, his senior year, the final exam slowly creeped up on him. This was his last chance to pass the class and go out with a bang. Of course he studied for weeks... but he just wasn't getting it. Even asking the teacher for help would get him no where. Well, the end of the year came up and it was time to give that final exam his best shot. I always looked up to this kid because he never gave in to plagerism or cheating, but some how when it was most important that he not cheat, he did. He had recently found a copy of the final exam answer key on the teachers desk. He then took a picture(s) of it and saved it to his phone. While he was in class he would sneak his phone out under his desk and scroll through the pictures on his phone. He was a good student so the teacher did not think to even observe him and see if anything was unusual. My buddy got almost every answer down on this long exam. On the last page the teacher walked up behind him and saw his phone out. Now this being a final exam made it that much more serious. He kicked him out of the classroom and reported his actions. My buddy failed his class for the whole year. And this was one of the most important classes in high school. He needed that class to earn his diploma and walk across the stage. After all was said and done the teacher noticed that no one's exams were all that great. The majority of the class failed and the teacher was forced to curve the exam. So, had my buddy just tried like he did in every other class he would have been able to graduate with his class and walk across the stage on time. This just show's everyone that plagerism, cheating, or whatever you want to call it... is not worth it.
Just try your best and don't stoop to this level. Everyone has their own mind and their own thoughts.